
I’m writing a blog to share thoughts, wisdom & life-lessons with anyone who wants to walk with me.

We all gather unique insights from life and it is beneficial when we share our journeys with truth and honesty, connecting heart to heart and learning from each other, which enables us to thrive together.

I’m 31 years old & a Zoology graduate from the University of Manchester. I live at home with my parents and cocker spaniel in Reading, UK.

I love & follow Jesus because he brought my heart back to life.
I adore nature, books, podcasts, distress inks/oxides, card-making, my cricut joy and all things beautiful & tasty.

Recently my life has been affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which can be quite an isolating illness so writing a blog is also a way for me to be more connected to the outside world. However I am recovering and on my way towards walking in true health & wholeness.

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Or another way to follow me is on Instagram @beccaclare_c where I always post when I have a new blog out!